Friday, May 9, 2008


We went back to the doctor today for another u/s. This time we saw the heartbeat! We are so excited! I was so nervous I almost passed out. I was even afraid to look at the monitor. But, lo and behold, there it was - the flickering on the screen. I asked the doctor to measure the heartbeats and it measured between 120 and 130, which he said was good.

I go back next week, and if all continues to go well, we will talk about making an ob/gyn appt.

When I left one of the nurses wished me a Happy Mother's Day. I had been thinking about it, but it didn't really hit me until that moment. Wow! This year I get to celebrate Happy Mother-To-Be Day!

As for how I'm feeling - still nauseous (but haven't thrown up yet), still tired a lot. The "girls" have gotten bigger and are still sore. Yesterday started with a metallic/bad taste in my mouth. Oh, and I'm also starting to be forgetful. And, I've already started showing, although that could also be b/c of the progesterone that I'm still taking.

So, unless something changes, I will update again last week.

Thank you for all the prayers - we aren't out of the woods yet, so please keep them coming!

1 comment:

Amy (TheGiggleWorm) said...

I am so happy for you guys!!!!

I will continue to pray for you.