Thursday, March 20, 2008

How did I know?

Since I hope a part of my blog will help people understand infertility, I should probably answer the question of how did I know there was an issue?

Years ago I was diagnosed with endometriosis (scar tissue that surrounds the ovaries, etc.). I hadn't had a problem in years, but I always thought I would have a problem having a baby. As soon as Frank and I started TTC, I started using the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor to help determine when I ovulate.

After 7 cycles and nothing happening, I called my OB/GYN to see if we could figure out why I wasn't pregnant yet. My OB/GYN ran a bunch of tests and myself and Frank. For me it was bloodwork on certain days of my cycle, internal ultrasounds and an HSG and for Frank a sperm analysis. (As a side note, an HSG is when they shoot dye into your uterus to see if you have any blockages in your tubes. The procedure lasts only a couple of minutes.) I was shocked when all of my tests came back good (the HSG was clear!). However, we were told that Frank's SA (sperm analysis) wasn't terrific. It seems that his sperm would rather float than swim. Apparently, this is very common. After we received these results, we were recommended to an RE (reproductive endocrinologist). And the rest, as they say, is history.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

It's so hard to hear that kind if news, but, as you know, male issues are much easier to deal with medically (not necessarily emotionally for them). Looking forward to your upcoming IVF!!