Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How am I feeling?

Well, since I want to chronicle everything (ok, almost everything) I'm going through, I'll give an update. Please note that I am NOT complaining. I just don't ever want to forget everything that I have gone through.

Since Monday, I am nauseous in the morning, and again around 5:00. Nothing horrible, just a little off. I have learned that I feel better after I eat something. My boobs have been constantly hurting, but I know that is from the estrogen (those stopped hurting for about 2 days this entire cycle). I'm also feeling crampy. It isn't constant cramps, and the cramping is worse at night (I know this could also be a result of the PIO). I have gotten up to pee at least once a night (some nights more) every night since the retrieval. Oh, and I have had at least 1 attack of heartburn a day. Oh, and the sides by my hips are sore from the PIO shots.

And now for the humor: The other night I had a very weird dream. I had a dream that I was going to get "intimate" with Steven Sanders from 90210. Now, the intimate part never came to be - but STEVE SANDERS! I know I've been watching a lot of 90210 lately, but sheesh. Out of all the guys on that show I had to pick him? I must be losing my mind!!

And, when I was in the car the other day, I heard "Don't Stop Believing" and did everything I could just to keep it together. It made me think that this is probably the theme song for this cycle. At the ever beginning when we were cancelled, I couldn't believe it. I never gave up hope and look at how far I've come (so far).

I don't know how I'm going make to the Beta test and then hopefully to the ultrasounds. I really want to if all of these unpleasant "symptoms" I have really are symptoms, or if I am just plain crazy and these are all made up.


Maryann said...

The night before my u/s for the heartbeat....I vomited....and even then I told myself I was imagining all of this and probably already miscarried. I was so excited to see my little bean still in there with the heartbeat. I hope the same goes for you. Being in the IF world we can't enjoy anything without that thing called worry in the back of our heads. It sucks. Keep positive that the beta will be wonderful. I'll be thinking about you.

G said...

HONEY!!! tomorrow is beta day right??? i am SO FREAKING EXCITED for you - you've got such a great chance this cycle!!! i am going to be on pins and needles!!!